- Al-Achkar W, As’sad M, Liehr T, Ikhtiar A, Wafa A. A de novo childhood case of T-cell lymphoblastic leukemia with high hyperdiploid karyotype carrying an unreported balanced translocation t(X;5)(q26;q31.3~32) in a male patient. OBM Genetics 2019; 3; doi:10.21926/obm.genet.190208
- Al-Rikabi A, Cioffi MdB, Liehr T. Chromosome microdissection on semi-archived material. Cytometry A 2019, 95:1285-1288.
Ammer-Herrmenau C, Kulkarni U, Andreas N, Ungelenk M, Ravens S, Hübner C, Kather A, Kurth I, Bauer M, Kamradt T. Sepsis induces long-lasting impairments in CD4+ T-cell responses despite rapid numerical recovery of T-lymphocyte populations. PLoS One. 2019;14:e0211716.
- Barby FF, Bertollo LAC, de Oliveira EA, Yano CF, Hatanaka T, Ráb P, Sember A, Ezaz T, Ferreira Artoni R, Liehr T, Al-Rikabi ABH, Trifonov V, de Oliveira EHC, Molina WF, Jegede OI, Tanomtong A, de Bello Cioffi M. Emerging patterns of genome organization in Notopteridae species (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes) as revealed by Zoo-FISH and Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH). Scient Rep 2019; 9:1112.
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- Cioffi MdB, Ráb P, Ezaz T, Bertollo LAC, Lavoué S, de Oliveira EA, Sember A, Molina WF, de Souza FHS, Majtánová Z, Liehr T, Al-Rikabi ABH, Yano CF, Viana P, Feldberg E, Unmack P, Hatanaka T, Tanomtong A, Perez MF. Deciphering the evolutionary history of Arowana fishes (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae): Insight from comparative cytogenomics. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:4296.
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- de Oliveira ES, Bertollo LAC , Rab P, Ezaz T, Yano CF, Hatanaka T, Jegede OI, Tanomtong A, Liehr T, Sember A, Maruyama SR, Feldberg E, Viana PF. Cytogenetics, genomics and biodiversity of the South American and African Arapaimidae fish family (Teleostei, Osteoglossiformes). PLoS One 2019; 14: e0214225.
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- Ditcharoen S, Bertollo LAC, Rab P, Hnátková E, Molina WF, Liehr T, Tanomtong A, Triantaphyllidis C, Ozouf-Costaz C, Tongnunui S, Pengseng P, Supiwong W, Aroutiounian R, Cioffi M. Genomic organization of repetitive DNA elements and extensive karyotype diversity of Silurid catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes): A comparative cytogenetic approach. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:3545.
- Garcia-Angulo A, Merlo MA, Rodriguez ME, Portela-Bens S, Liehr T, Rebordinos L. Genome and phylogenetic analysis of genes involved in the immune system of Solea senegalensis - potential applications in aquaculture. Front Genet 2019; 10:529.
- García E, Cross I, Portela-Bens S, Rodríguez ME, García-Angulo A, Molina B, Cuadrado A, Liehr T, Rebordinos L. Integrative genetic map of repetitive DNA in the sole Solea senegalensis genome shows a Rex transposon located in a proto-sex chromosome. Sci Rep 2019; 9:17146.
- Gokhman VE, Cioffi MdB, König C, Pollmann M, Gantert C, Krogmann L, Steidle JLM, Kosyakova N, Liehr T, Al-Rikabi A. Microdissection and whole chromosome painting confirm karyotype transformation in cryptic species of the Lariophagus distinguendus (Förster, 1841) complex (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). PLoS ONE 2019: 14: e0225257.
Göppner C, Orozco IJ, Hoegg-Beiler MB, Soria AH, Hübner CA, Fernandes-Rosa FL, Boulkroun S, Zennaro MC, Jentsch TJ. Pathogenesis of hypertension in a mouse model for human CLCN2 related hyperaldosteronism. Nat Commun 2019;10:4678.
- Harutyunyan T, Hovhannisyan G, Sargsyan A, Grigoryan B, Al-Rikabi AH, Weise A, Liehr T, Aroutiounian R. Analysis of copy number variations induced by ultrashort electron beam radiation in human leukocytes in vitro. Mol Cytogenet 2019; 12:18.
- Hennings C, Hübner CA. Disorders of renal NaCl transprot and implications for blood pressure regulation. Med Gen 2019; 31: 1-7.
Huebner AK, Maier H, Maul A, Nietzsche S, Herrmann T, Praetorius J, Hübner CA. Early hearing loss upon disruption of Slc4a10 in C57BL/6 mice. J Assoc Res Otolaryngol 2019; 20:233-245.
- Hovhannisyan G, Harutyunyan T, Aroutiounian R, Liehr T. DNA copy number variations as markers of mutagenic impact. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:4723.
- Iourov IY, Liehr T, Vorsanova SG, Mendez-Rosado LA, Yurov YB. The applicability of interphase chromosome-specific multicolor banding (ICS-MCB) for studying neurodevelopmental and neurodegenerative disorders. Res Results Biomed 2019; 5: 4-9.
- Krumbholz A, Roempke J, Liehr T, Groth M, Meerbach A, Schacke M, Maschkowitz G, Fickenscher H, Klapper W, Sauerbrei A, Wutzler P, Zell R. Macaca arctoides gammaherpesvirus 1 (strain herpesvirus Macaca arctoides): virus sequence, phylogeny and characterisation of virus-transformed macaque and rabbit cell lines. Medic Microbiol Immunol 2019; 208:109-129.
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- Kurtas NE, Xumerle L, Giussani U, Pansa A, Cardarelli L, Bertini V, Valetto A, Liehr T, Bonaglia C, Erichiello E, Delledonne M, Zuffardi O. Insertional translocation involving an additional non-chromothriptic chromosome in constitutional chromothripsis: rule or exception? Mol Genet Genomic Med 2019; 7:e496.
Lakshmana G, Baniahmad A. Interference with the androgen receptor protein stability in therapy-resistant prostate cancer. Int J Cancer 2019; 144:1775-1779.
Liehr T. From human cytogenetics to human chromosomics. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:826.
- Liehr T. Non-invasive prenatal testing – safer or simply more profitable? https://atlasofscience.org/non-invasive-prenatal-testing-safer-or-simply-more-profitable
- Liehr T, Al-Rikabi A. Mosaicism: reason for normal phenotypes in carriers of small supernumerary marker chromosomes with known adverse outcome. A systematic review. Frontiers in Genetics 2019; 10:1131
- Liehr T, Liehr LB. An update on small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC). Res Results Biomed 2019; 5:4-6
- Liehr T, Carreira IM, Balogh Z, Garrido ED, Verdorfer I, Coviello DA, Florentin L, Scheffer H, Rincic M, Williams HE. Regarding the rights and duties of Clinical Laboratory Geneticists in genetic healthcare systems; results of a survey in over 50 countries. Eur J Hum Genet 2019; 27:1168-1174.
- Liehr T, Weise A, Mrasek K, Ziegler M, Padutsch N, Wilhelm K, Al-Rikabi A. Recombinant chromosomes resulting from parental pericentric inversions - Two new cases and a review of the literature. Frontiers in Genetics 2019; 10:1165
- LLamos-Paneque A, Recalde-Baez MA, Garzón-Castro M, Montúfar S, Rivas-Iglesias C, Lamar-Segura E, Román-Naranjo M, Tambaco- Jijón N, Hernández-Iñiguez P, Mrasek K, Liehr T, Odales-Ibarra R. Supernumerary marker of chromosome 15 associated with paternal uniparental disomy in a case with Angelman syndrome. J Mol Genet Med 2019, 13: 1000439
- Merhni H, Zerkaoui M, Natiq A, Sbiti A, Liehr T, Sefiani A. Constitutional partial proximal trisomy 14q11.2 to 14q21: two new Moroccan cases and review of the literature. OBM Genetics 2019; 3:doi:10.21926/obm.genet.1903085.
- Moysés-Oliveira M, Di-Battista A, Zamariolli M, Meloni VA, Bragagnolo S, Christofolini DM, Steiner CE, Kosyakova N, Liehr T, Reymond A, Melaragno MI. Breakpoint mapping at nucleotide resolution in X-autosome balanced translocations associated with clinical phenotypes. Eur J Hum Genet 2019; 27:760-771.
- Padutsch N, Liehr T. First report on a 20qh+ heteromorphism characterized by molecular cytogenetics as amplification of D20Z1 sequences. Research Results in Biomedicine 2019, 5:22-24.
- Pessôa AI, Amorim KC, Ferreira WAS, Sagica F, Brito JR, Othman M, Meyer B, Liehr T, de Oliveira EHC. Detection and correlation of single and concomitant TP53, PTEN and CDKN2A alterations in gliomas. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:2658.
- Ribeiro IP, Rodrigues JM, Mascarenhas A, Marques V, Caramelo F, Julião MJ, Liehr T, Melo JB, Carreira IM. (Cyto)genomic and epigenetic characterization of BICR 10 cell line and three new established primary human head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cultures. Genes Genomics 2019; 41:1207-21.
Roell D, Rösler TW, Hessenkemper W, Kraft F, Hauschild M, Bartsch S, Abraham TE, Houtsmuller AB, Matusch R, van Royen ME, Baniahmad A. Halogen-substituted anthranilic acid derivatives provide a novel chemical platform for androgen receptor antagonists. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 2019;188:59-70.
- Rodríguez ME , Molina B, Merlo MA, Arias-Pérez A, Portela-Bens S, García-Angulo A, Cross I, Liehr T, Rebordinos L. Evolution of the proto sex-chromosome in Solea senegalensis. Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:5011.
- Sassi FMC, Oliveira EA, Bertollo LAC, Nirchio M, Hatanaka T, Marinho MMF, Moreira-Filho O, Aroutiounian R, Liehr T, Al-Rikabi ABH, Cioffi MB. Chromosomal evolution and evolutionary relationships of Lebiasina species (Characiformes, Lebiasinidae). Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20. pii: E2944.
Shmukler BE, Rivera A, Bhargava P, Nishimura K, Hsu A, Kim EH, Trudel M, Rust MB, Huebner CA, Brugnara C, Alper SL. Combined genetic disruption of K-Cl cotransporters and Gardos channel KCNN4 rescues erythrocyte dehydration in the SAD mouse model of sickle cell disease. Blood Cells Mol Dis 2019; 79:102346.
- Souza FHS, Perez MF, Bertollo LAC, Oliveira EA, Lavoué S, Gestich CC, Ráb P, Ezaz T, Liehr T, Viana PF, Feldberg E, Cioffi MB. Interspecific genetic differences and historical demography in South American arowanas (Osteoglossiformes, Osteoglossidae, Osteoglossum). Genes 2019; 10: 693.
- Steinacker R, Liehr T, Kosyakova N, Rincic M, Hussein Azawi SS. Molecular cytogenetic characterization of two murine cancer cell lines derived from salivary gland. Biol Commun 2019; 63: 243-255.
Supiwong W, Pinthong K, Seetapan K, Sanjundaeng P, Bertollo LAC, Aguiar de Oliveira E, Yano CF , Liehr T, Phimphan S, Tanomtong A, de Bello Cioffi M. Karyotype diversity and evolutionary trends in the Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus (Synbranchiformes, Synbranchidae). A case of chromosomal speciation? BMC Evolutionary Biology 2019; 19:73.
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Teichert M, Isstas M, Liebmann L, Hübner CA, Wieske F, Winter C, Lehmann K, Bolz J. Visual deprivation independent shift of ocular dominance induced by cross-modal plasticity. PLoS One. 2019;14:e0213616.
- Toma GA, de Moraes RLR, Sassi FMC, Bertollo LAC, de Oliveira EA, Rab P, Sember A, Liehr T, Hatanaka T, Viana PF, Marinho MMF, Feldberg E, Cioffi MB. Cytogenetics of the small-sized fish, Copeina guttata (Characiformes, Lebiasinidae): Novel insights into the karyotype differentiation of the family. PLoS One 2019, 14:e0226746.
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Weise A, Liehr T. Rapid prenatal aneuploidy screening by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Methods Mol Biol 2019; 1885:129-137.
- Weise A, Mrasek K, Pentzold C, Liehr T. Chromosomes in the DNA era: Perspectives in diagnostics and research. Med Gen 2019; 31: 8-19.
- Xu D, Sember A, Zhu Q, de Oliveira EA, Liehr T, Al-Rikabi ABH, Xiao Z, Song H, Cioffi M. Deciphering the origin and evolution of a unique X1X2Y system in two closely related Oplegnathus species (Oplegnathidae, Centrarchiformes). Int J Mol Sci 2019; 20:3570.
- Zlotina A, Maslova A, Kosyakova N, Hamid Al-Rikabi AB, LiehrT, Krasikova A. Heterochromatic regions in Japanese quail chromosomes: comprehensive molecular-cytogenetic characterization and 3D mapping in interphase nucleus. Chromosome Res 2019;27:253-270
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