Publikationen 2023
Borges LGD, Pastuschek J, Heimann Y, Dawczynski K, Schleussner E, Pieper DH, Zollkau J, Peons Study G (2023) Vaginal and neonatal microbiota in pregnant women with preterm premature rupture of membranes and consecutive early onset neonatal sepsis. Bmc Medicine 21, 18.
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Kroeller S, Wissuwa B, Dennhardt S, Krieg N, Thiemermann C, Daniel C, Amann K, Gunzer F, Coldewey SM (2023) Bruton's tyrosine kinase inhibition attenuates disease progression by reducing renal immune cell invasion in mice with hemolytic-uremic syndrome. Frontiers in Immunology 14, 12.
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Muller MM, Baldauf C, Hornischer S, Klassert TE, Schneegans A, Behnert A, Pletz MW, Hagel S, Slevogt H (2023) Staphylococcus aureus induces tolerance in human monocytes accompanied with expression changes of cell surface markers. Frontiers in Immunology 14, 16.
Naumann M, Arend N, Guliev RR, Kretzer C, Rubio I, Werz O, Neugebauer U (2023) Label-Free Characterization of Macrophage Polarization Using Raman Spectroscopy. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, 12.
Ney LM, Wipplinger M, Grossmann M, Engert N, Wegner VD, Mosig AS (2023) Short chain fatty acids: key regulators of the local and systemic immune response in inflammatory diseases and infections. Open Biology 13, 14.
Pistiki A, Ryabchykov O, Bocklitz TW, Rosch P, Popp J (2023) Use of polymers as wavenumber calibration standards in deep-UVRR. Spectrochimica Acta Part a-Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 287, 7.
Pletz MW, Steiner A, Kesselmeier M, Loffler B, Maschmann J, Stallmach A, Trommer S (2023) Introduction of mandatory masking in health care and community: experience from Jena, Germany. Infection, 4.
Rahman S, Parveen S, Sofi SA, Zahoor S (2023) POST-COVID REMOTE PATIENT MONITORING USING MEDICAL INTERNET OF THINGS AND MACHINE LEARNING ANALYTICS. Scalable Computing-Practice and Experience 24, 1-16.
Schmoch T, Mohnle P, et al. (2023) The prevalence of sepsis-induced coagulopathy in patients with sepsis - a secondary analysis of two German multicenter randomized controlled trials. Annals of Intensive Care 13, 12.
Schnizer C, Andreas N, et al. (2023) Persistent humoral and CD4(+) T-H cell immunity after mild SARS-COV-2 infection-The CoNAN long-term study. Frontiers in Immunology 13, 14.
Streich K, Hartog CS, Fleischmann-Struzek C, Rose N, Bichmann A, Kesselmeier M, Schiefenhovel F, Schmieding M, Born S (2023) Psychometric properties of the Reintegration to Normal Living Index for sepsis survivors. Quality of Life Research, 9.
Valentine MS, Weigel C, Gninzeko FK, Tho C, Graler MH, Reynolds AM, Spiegel S, Heise RL (2023) S1P lyase inhibition prevents lung injury following high pressure-controlled mechanical ventilation in aging mice. Experimental Gerontology 173, 11.
Winkler D, Rose N, et al. (2023) The Effects of Postacute Rehabilitation on Mortality, Chronic Care Dependency, Health Care Use, and Costs in Sepsis Survivors. Annals of the American Thoracic Society 20, 279-288.
Publikationen 2022
Afolabi R, Chinedu S, Ajamma Y, Adam Y, Koenig R, Adebiyi E (2022) Computational identification of Plasmodium falciparum RNA pseudouridylate synthase as a viable drug target, its physicochemical properties, 3D structure prediction and prediction of potential inhibitors. Infection Genetics and Evolution 97, 11.
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Hoang TNM, Cseresnyes Z, Hartung S, Blickensdorf M, Saffer C, Rennert K, Mosig AS, Von Lilienfeld-Toal M, Figge MT (2022) Invasive aspergillosis-on-chip: A quantitative treatment study of human Aspergillus fumigatus infection. Biomaterials 283, 14.
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Van Bulck M, Brandt N, Claus RA, Graler M, Brauer AU (2022) A beta-Induced Alterations in Membrane Lipids Occur before Synaptic Loss Appears. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, 19.
Publikationen 2021
Abusukhun M, Winkler MS, et al. (2021) Activation of Sphingomyelinase-Ceramide-Pathway in COVID-19 Purposes Its Inhibition for Therapeutic Strategies. Frontiers in Immunology 12, 12.
Alonso-Roman R, Valentine M, Mosig AS, Gresnigt MS, Hube B (2021) An intestine-on-chip model to study Candida albicans commensalism and pathogenicity. Mycoses 64, 17-17.
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Publikationen 2020
Aromolaran O, Beder T, Oswald M, Oyelade J, Adebiyi E, Koenig R (2020) Essential gene prediction in Drosophila melanogaster using machine learning approaches based on sequence and functional features. Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18: 612-621
Bauer M, Wetzker R (2020) The cellular basis of organ failure in sepsis-signaling during damage and repair processes. Medizinische Klinik-Intensivmedizin Und Notfallmedizin 115: 4-9
Chung HY, Wickel J, Brunkhorst FM, Geis C (2020) Sepsis-Associated Encephalopathy: From Delirium to Dementia? Journal of Clinical Medicine 9: 14
Deinhardt-Emmer S, Rennert K, Schicke E, Cseresnyes Z, Windolph M, Nietzsche S, Heller R, Siwczak F, Haupt KF, Carlstedt S, Schacke M, Figge MT, Ehrhardt C, Loffler B, Mosig AS (2020) Co-infection with Staphylococcus aureus after primary influenza virus infection leads to damage of the endothelium in a human alveolus-on-a-chip model. Biofabrication 12: 025012
Diab M, Platzer S, Guenther A, Sponholz C, Scherag A, Lehmann T, Velichkov I, Hagel S, Bauer M, Brunkhorst FM, Doenst T (2020) Assessing efficacy of CytoSorb haemoadsorber for prevention of organ dysfunction in cardiac surgery patients with infective endocarditis: REMOVE-protocol for randomised controlled trial. Bmj Open 10: 8
Diab M, Tasar R, Sponholz C, Lehmann T, Pletz MW, Bauer M, Brunkhorst FM, Doenst T (2020) Changes in inflammatory and vasoactive mediator profiles during valvular surgery with or without infective endocarditis: A case control pilot study. PLoS One 15: 23
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Publikationen 2019
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Publikationen 2011
Axer H, Romeike BFM, Brunkhorst F, Zinke J, Ringer TM, Günther A (2011) Neurological sequelae of sepsis: II) Neuromuscular weakness. The Open Critical Care Medicine Journal 4: 8-14
Bruns T, Peter J, Hagel S, Herrmann A, Stallmach A (2011) The augmented neutrophil respiratory burst in response to Escherichia coli is reduced in liver cirrhosis during infection. Clinical and experimental immunology 164: 346-356
Bruns T, Peter J, Hagel S, Pfeifer R, Prinz P, Stallmach A (2011) Homozygous carrier of the NOD2 1007fs frame-shift mutation presenting with refractory community-acquired spontaneous bacterial peritonitis and developing fatal pulmonary mucormycosis: A case report. Hepatology research : the official journal of the Japan Society of Hepatology 41: 1009-1014
Gonnert FA, Recknagel P, Seidel M, Jbeily N, Dahlke K, Bockmeyer CL, Winning J, Losche W, Claus RA, Bauer M (2011) Characteristics of clinical sepsis reflected in a reliable and reproducible rodent sepsis model. The Journal of surgical research 170: e123-134
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Hagel S, Bruns T, Herrmann A, Stallmach A, Schmidt C (2011) Abnormal Glucose Tolerance: A Predictor Of 30-Day Mortality In Patients With Decompensated Liver Cirrhosis. Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie 49: 331-334
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